Squad XML
Squad XML
What is a Squad XML
It's a nice tool for units and it adds personality to your character in ArmA. Simply what it's doing is that it's adding a nice little patch on your shoulder and a tag before your name ex. [4thID] CW3 B.Moedekjaer

How to link it to your profile
It's fairly easy to add a Squad XML to your ArmA profile, just simply follow the steps in this tutorial.

Step 1.
Open up ArmA and wait until the Main Menu is shown.

Step 2.
Hover your mouse over the person icon in the top right
connor. When your name is visible simply press your name and the profile editor should open.

Step 3.
Press on the tab called unit and press the button edit. After that change the unit type to custom and insert the following link at Squad XML. http://xml.4thid.us/xml/squad.xml

Step 4.
Press on the button called
apply and then on ok.

That's it, if you didn't get the guide there is a gif down under which is preforming the actions just described.


[Image: DPQeSRJ.gif]
N.Saayman, E.Hermanson, E.O'Neill And 2 others like this post
[Image: B.Moedekjaer.png]

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