Should people who donate $50+ in a month get their own custom uniform?
No. Only platoon staff+ should have custom uniforms.
29 vote(s)
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"Premium" Uniforms
(08 Feb 19, 2007)R.Warren Wrote: I'm broke so I'm gonna ask to do it Squad Leaders and up w/ lower positions need to donate if they would like a custom one, But I think 50$ is a tad bit much.
You aren't donating $50 for the uniform, you're donating $50 because you appreciate your time here and want to give back. It's the same as being awarded the donation medal. Secondly, its $50 over a one month period, not all at once. Lastly, aiding Captain Hermanson in compiling these and placing them ingame, PSG+ is a good cut off point just because of the fact as stated earlier we want to keep these relatively low because they are / will be maintained at least once a month, although they'll likely be maintained much quicker (thanks to Captain Hermanson streamlining the process).

Messages In This Thread
"Premium" Uniforms - by E.Hermanson - 08 Feb 19, 1308
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by G.Amant - 08 Feb 19, 1636
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Hermanson - 08 Feb 19, 1903
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by R.Warren - 08 Feb 19, 2007
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by P.George - 08 Feb 19, 2137
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by R.Warren - 08 Feb 19, 2213
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Michev - 09 Feb 19, 0332
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by G.Amant - 09 Feb 19, 0844
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Hermanson - 09 Feb 19, 1045
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by T.Bacoon - 09 Feb 19, 1459
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Rhodes - 09 Feb 19, 1619

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