Hearts of Iron 4

Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Wollt ihr einen totalen und radikalen Krieg?

The correct answer is 'Ja!'

In other words, we've been playing some HoI4 recently, and I invite you all to join us if you own the game - I'd highly recommending picking it up if you don't; it's in a similar vein to ArmA 3. New players will find it easiest to learn playing with experienced players, once you've managed to get ahold of the basic mechanics.

Please add me on Steam, 'Worrall', so I can send you an invite the next time we play.

Cheers, lads.
Y.Schmidt, T.Kapa, J.Keyes like this post

If anyone wants to, I'd be ready to help them learning the game, if they're scared of the complexity. Let's call it a "Führer me around" .
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